
Friday 2 March 2012

Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls


这几天,单位来了一堆很麻烦的病人,护士都纷纷请病假了,原本早班应该有六位护士当制的,但是今天只是剩下一个来上班,还要是那个最年轻最没有经验的。这下子可好了,全都是agency护士(我也不是全职的)。。谁来当护士长啊?才不到十点钟,下午班的另外两位护士又先后打电话到医院请病假。。可想而知,这个单位目前的状况有多难!有时精神科护士的工作虽然体力上比较轻松,但是在精神上也是相当的吃力的。如果病人没有被检视清楚,不合适的病人也硬是推来留院,只会制造更多不必要的麻烦。无奈,院方为了提高效率,就有新条规,要病人在4个小时内得到服务,所以emergency 部门受到了压力,很多时候没有检视好病人的状况,一看到有空房就马上把病人挤进来,那管病人在我们这里发颠,因为已经不是他们的责任了啊!哎,不要埋怨了,我只是part timer,可怜我的同事们,有时苦苦都得去做。


8 sheets of 20cm x 20cm Vietnamese rice paper
8 cooked prawns (half the prawn to make 16)
100g rice vermicelli noodles
100g bean sprout
1 Avocado, cut into 8 pieces
1 small carrot, julienned
1 Lebanese cucumber, julienned
¼ cup peanut, chopped
½ bunch mint leaves
some coriander leaves
8 chives, to decorate (optional)

Dipping sauce:
110g caster sugar
60ml rice vinegar
1tbsp fish sauce
1tbsp sweet chilli sauce
2 small red chillies, finely chopped
2 tbsp chopped coriander leaves

         1.) Place the noodles in a heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water. Set aside for 5 minutes to soften. Drain.
       2.) Soak 1 rice-paper sheet in warm water for 30 seconds or until soft (don't soak the sheet for too long or it will tear). Drain on paper towel. Place on a clean work surface. Place 2 halfed prawns along centre of sheet. Add a little of the noodles, peanut, bean sprouts, carrot, mint and cucumber. Top coriander leaves. Fold in ends and roll up firmly to enclose filling. Repeat to make 8 rice-paper rolls.
       3.) To decorate tie the rolls with chive (optional).
4.) Serve with dipping sauces

         Your can prepare this recipe to the end of step 2 up to 3 hours ahead. Cover and place in the fridge.
            Recipe adapted from : Deliciou, More Please, ABC Books, pg. 194 & Erawan Brand Rice Paper
