自从自己会做蛋糕以后,就很少在外面买蛋糕来吃了。只是有时在蛋糕店或café的橱窗望一望,看看有什么蛋糕比较吸引的可以偷偷点子。那天心血来潮,在“D” Cafe喝咖啡时,叫老公order一个巧克力慕斯蛋糕给我试试看。蛋糕第一口咬下去,我问老公有order错吗?这个是mud cake还是mousse cake。老公说只有一种巧克力蛋糕排在那里嘛!没有错啊。。。我不甘心,即刻打开menu检视一下,果然餐牌里的巧克力慕斯蛋糕和摆在我面前的是一模一样的,只是照片里的蛋糕好像比较完美和柔软,而在我的面前的是一个硬蹦蹦一块类似mud cake的mousse cake。因为付了6。95(马币21块钱一片糕,心痛到要命),所以只好乱乱吃了一点就算。很生气,即刻去超市买了材料回家立志自己做一个慕斯蛋糕。芒果慕斯蛋糕一直都在我的to do list里面的,正是芒果季节,还等什么,就是它了 - 期待已久 的芒果慕斯蛋糕。
芒果慕斯蛋糕 (Mango Mousse Cake)
Mango Mousse Cake
Cake Base :
2 Egg Whites
35g Fine Sugar
1/4 Tsp cream of tartar
2 Egg Yolks
20g Fine Sugar
50g Milk
24g Corn Oil
48g cake flour
20g cocoa powder (Sift together
with cake flour)
1) Prepare and line a 16cm baking tin. In a clean bowl,
whisk egg white and sugar. Add cream of tartar and whisk till stiff peak.
2) In another bowl, whisk egg yolks, sugar until
add milk and corn oil to egg yolk mixture then fold in sifted flour
3) Fold in egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture in 3
4) Bake at 170°C for around 35 minutes or till skewer
comes clean. When cake is out of the oven, immediately invert the tin and leave the
cake in the tin to cool completely. Slice the cake horizontally into 2 slices.
Mango Mousse :
17g Gelatine Powder
60g Hot Water
350g Whipping Cream
3 Tbsp Icing Sugar
300g Mango Puree (if regrigerated,
bring to room temperature)
1Tbsp Rum
200g to 220g Cubed Mango
Mango puree topping:
150g mango puree (bring to room temperature)
1 Tbsp gelatin
4-1/2 Tbsp boiling water
1) In a mixing bowl, whip whipping cream with icing
sugar to mousse state. Refrigerate to chill.
2) In a small
bowl, dissolve gelatine powder in hot water. When the gelatine powder is fully
dissolved, add to mango puree. Add rum to the mixture. Mix well.
3) Add the mango
mixture to whipped cream. Mix well till incorporated.
4) Use a 17cm inch
cake ring (or spring form pan), place a layer of cake and pour in mango mousse,
or use a large piping tip to pipe the mixture. Do take note of the corners. Add
mango cubes and cover them with some mousse. Let it slighlty set for about 10
minutes in the fridge.
5) Lay another
cake layer and pour the remaining mousse. Let it set for 30 to 45 minutes in
the fridge.
6) Meanwhile,
dissolve gelatine in hot water for mango puree topping. Mix in mango puree.
Pour the topping onto the set mousse carefully. Let the cake chill for at least
3 hours before removing the cake ring and decorate with sliced mango, blueberries
and edible flowers.
Recipe adapted from :All That Matters